Saturday, 30 June 2007

Bags all packed

Well things are all ready for me to travel up to Port Pirie tomorrow. I know its a bit early but I have big day of events tomorrow, 50th birthday lunch with my boyfriends family and then a fairwell mass and headmaster dinner for my brother and dad who are going to Koakoda. So I am leaving late at night with Mum for company so things have to be ready now. So the bags are all packed up.

Last night I had just the most mouth watering dinner ever. We went to this place for my birthday as well, but boy did I have such a good feed. I was really hungry so I think everything just tasted better. It was Japanese food, so like sushi and teppaynki...they cook such good beef. It was all just like oh my god! Then for desert we had chocolate fondu with fruit and marshmellows. It was all so very good, it just all melted in your mouth even the meat did. Cause everything was so good it just made me sooo happy. I was giggling all night and I hadn't even had anything to drink!

The mood however went a bit funny when I got home and got accidently got pushed down the stairs at my house. Dad and my brother where fighting to get the key in the door and my brother pushed dad who stubled back into me. But the hero in my life actually caught me, I thought I was going to get really hurt, but no my boyfriend caught me. MY HERO!

Friday, 29 June 2007

Oh my God!

Well I don't know about anyone else but we I heard the news last night I was oh so excited in a year 6 screaming girl kind of way. The SPICE GIRLS the band of like the 90's who brought about girl power in the weirdest of ways is having a reunion tour. I mean if you aren't excited about that I don't know what will get you excited. I still remember like all the words to their songs and I am even thinking about putting their CD on and dancing/singing around my room to it! In fact I think I will, I think I may even take the CD down to Port Pirie and sing along to in the car. Yay for Spice Girls!

In other less exciting news, I rang up and got my roster for next week in theatre. I start every moring at 7.30am which sounds bad, but its actually not cause I usually start shifts at 7am so the extra half hour is deeply appreciated. The nurse who I spoke to on the phone sounded so nice, so my out look on the week has improved. Plus I am looking forward to seeing different surgeries, even though I am not helping cause I am not allowed, can't wait to observe and see if I can hack in there. But my over ridding thought at the moment is still SPICE GIRLS!

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Being Sick Sucks

Turns out according to the medical profession I am sick, or as the doctor said "I'm a sick little puppy". I have to go to Pirie on Monday and at the moment I don't want to go cause I feel so crappy and I don't want to be away from my mum.

I had lunch today which I did not feeling like going to but it was still worth it. I had lunch with some of the first and second year nurses. So bizzar what we get to talking about over lunch, over people would just be turned off. Lots of the conversation was around exams and we telling the first years what to expect and telling them not to worry things will click eventually. While at lunch I saw one of the nurses I worked with on cardiothorasics (my favourite ward and area). Good to see him, he said they are missing me on the ward and look forward to having me back there. Hopefully I get placed back there in third year!

After lunch I came home and slept and I am still craving French toast!

Monday, 25 June 2007

A lazy day that turned into something else

I felt crusty this morning my cold/cough thing has reared its ugly ugly head so I thought nope there is no way I am getting up today. So I slept, however Mum did bring me in a cup of tea and baggle at some point, which was nice of her. So today I slept.

I kind of have weird dreams that in some weird way come true or are symbolic in some way. So during my slumber today I had this weird dream where my cousin was a little girl lost in supermarket calling out for my mum and her mum and dad. I woke up and thought that was odd, then about 10 minutes later the door-bell rang. As I was walking down hallway I was like man I beat this is my cousin. So I answered and it was her and then I was like shit she looks really lost, something has happened. Like 30 seconds after I asked her if she was ok, she told me that one of her friends had been found dead this morning either from a car accident or shoot accident. I did not think about the dream really until she left...I am so odd! Just so I don't seem insensitive, she is ok and I spent afternoon chatting with her.

In other news I do want to put picture I took from the shoot up on here but I am confused on how to do it so I am waiting for my boyfriend to show me. They are going to go up though.

Sunday, 24 June 2007


Who said I need to sleep in...not me! I got woken up early today by my boyfriend to do some finishing touching shots for the film. So there was a drive up the Princess Highway to the tunnels, which I thought was going to be scarey because I have never done it before but it really wasn't. Silly me for worrying about it! Then from there, there was a quick drive down into town for "photos" of city driving and corners. After that we had to wait until night to take "photos" of some stuff in my garage and guess what, I GOT TO BE CAMERA PERSON!

Things are going well, although it feels so weird not having any uni work or having to go to work at the hospital. I guess I am kind of itching to get back into things, looking after to people. But I tihnk I am coming down with a cold cough thing so I have to look after myself first I guess. Next stop in nursing is rural placement in an operating theatre for the first week at lease. But I have a week before then, so its time to just rest up I guess.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

It's been awhile now

It has been so full on since my last post when I said that things had calmed down. Funny how things like that happen, it was definately the calm before the storm. I have now finished my exam and my structured clinical assessment which feels so good to have them down. My combined exam I actually think I did pretty damn well in, first time I have been happy with a exam in awhile. I passes my structured clinical assessment I got 70% which isn't great but hey it's pass and that's all that matters at the moment.

I have been on the set at same time as my exam week, the only time I wasn't on set was when I actually had an exam. Filming was full on for everyone I think due to the long hours and very very cold and wet weather, but I think its a HUGE credit to the whole crew for sticking it out and getting it down. I think it will be a great film and everyone will be proud of the work they did. Plus I think the 1st AD loved his job of being a bastard and keeping everyone on schedule just a little too much! I think now that its all over, the crew and myself just want to sleep for the next few days and I think we deserve it!

So its time for some zzzzz's as I have had very little sleep except for all the napping today!

Sunday, 10 June 2007

An Update

Things have kind of slowed down a bit since a week of shooting and holter monitors. I got the monitor off the day after I got it on, which was what was scheduled. I am now just waiting until this Friday to get my results back, so its a waiting game. Trying not to think about it and so far I've been doing a damn good job of it.

Other than holter montiors and a week of shooting, I have to now begin studying for my exam next week on Monday. So I guess its to get my butt back into gear again and start studying once again. Feels like only yesterday that I stoped studying for my last test. On the note of the last test I got 75%...rather pleased with myself when I thought I would fail, and that mark isn't even moderated!

Last week by poor boyfriend got some cold/chest infection thing, and cause I looked after him and was around him. Well I guess you can guess what happened, now I am coughing and not feeling 100% and I fear the worst is still to come. But hey things could be worse...right!

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Holter Monitor

I have been having a few issues with my heart recently. I have been getting chest pain and palpitations at random intervals, however they increase in frequency when I'm doing any form of excerise or become distressed. So I have gone to the doctors and she said I should get a 24 hour holter monitor just to check and see whats going on cause I have a very rapid heart rate at times.

So I have waited abut three weeks and today I got the holter montior put on and I feel tad riddiculus cause I have been walking around with all these elctrodes hanging off me and a huge chunky recording and battery pack attached to my jeans.

The holter monitor job is to record my heart rate and rhythm continously over the 24 hours, so when the results come in, my poor old doctor has to sift through 24 hours worth of recordings of my heart rhythms. However there is this small button on my recording pack that I can press when I'm having chest pain or as they call it an 'event' so she can look at specific times.

Now I just have to wait a week for my results!

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

Laughter and tears

Average day today, I was on set again today. Kids weren't needed on set until after lunch so it wasn't an awfully long shot for me, and also they didn't need to say any lines. So it was really an easy day for me today. But due to the late start I missed seeing the camera guy's apparent freak out about a brown snake being right on set where we were filming. Wish I could have seen that!

However the late start did have its positives, I randomly rang my oldest friend today, I hadn't spoken to her really since January. It's bloody awesome to have a friend who has been around through all the years of make believe. There are always such funny stories, stories from good old days. So we had big old laughs about what we did when we were much younger.

My boyfriend and myself just flicked onto the end of Armagedon, and I am bloody hopeless Istart crying I haven't even watched any of the film just see the end 10-15mins and I start crying. So my boyfriend rewinds (we have foxtel digital) to see what happens at a certain point and guess what at the same point I had just seen 10mins before I start crying again. Sometimes I am just a silly little girl.

Monday, 4 June 2007

One Muddy Day

Well it was day one on the set of my second student film for the year. It is my role for the week to be the kids who are the stars of the film their acting coach and general help out person. Help out person kind of meant holding umbrellas, clapper board person, making sure kids are warm and that NO ONE IS SMOKING AROUND THEM!

Swearing was banned on set, so instead we used to audio guys name as a substitue for every time we wanted to swear for example "Shut the Rowan up!" This susbstition kind of got turned into a bit of a joke by the end of the day.

The day wasn't all smooth sailing, it rained on and off all day which meant that the ground was all muddy and like wet clay. It was also cold, and the actors didn't have the warmest clothes on. I have also decided that I am cursed when it comes to film shoots, I brought the cops out again. Well not me personally but so far on both the two shoots so far the cops have been called out. This time they were called out cause some old pensioner couple with nothing better to do claimed we were starting bush fires, doing burn outs and nearly ran the over. Which is all such a laugh cause the only fire we were starting was at the end of peoples cigarettes which they are NOT ALLOWED TO SMOKE NEAR THE CHILDREN!

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Common Sense

Well....the essay is done and swot week has started. And well I start working on as a personal safety officer on a film set tomorrow. So exciting really! Great way to spend first week of swot week. Maybe I will get some study done while they are shooting and I don't need to watch four little children. They aren't really little they are 11 to 12 but still, they are little to me because I am 19. It still seems weird to say I'm 19, I feel kind of old at times, but then I am young compared to most of my friend or my boyfriend.

The essay I just kind of proved to me why I shouldn't be hippy. My reasoning is that well all this herbal products that are meant to cure everything from the common cold to cancer, its all crap. Half of the products don't usually do what they claim they do, or they are so weak that they can't produce enough of whatever they produce to cause an effect. So I am going to stick with my conventional medical profession, because as I see it at the moment, although we still can't cure everything the drugs I give out are known to cause an effect.

So people can take those drugs or be vegiterian, even though everyone needs red meat. The best cure for most things is common medical problems is common medically prescribed drugs, go figure!