Monday, 4 June 2007

One Muddy Day

Well it was day one on the set of my second student film for the year. It is my role for the week to be the kids who are the stars of the film their acting coach and general help out person. Help out person kind of meant holding umbrellas, clapper board person, making sure kids are warm and that NO ONE IS SMOKING AROUND THEM!

Swearing was banned on set, so instead we used to audio guys name as a substitue for every time we wanted to swear for example "Shut the Rowan up!" This susbstition kind of got turned into a bit of a joke by the end of the day.

The day wasn't all smooth sailing, it rained on and off all day which meant that the ground was all muddy and like wet clay. It was also cold, and the actors didn't have the warmest clothes on. I have also decided that I am cursed when it comes to film shoots, I brought the cops out again. Well not me personally but so far on both the two shoots so far the cops have been called out. This time they were called out cause some old pensioner couple with nothing better to do claimed we were starting bush fires, doing burn outs and nearly ran the over. Which is all such a laugh cause the only fire we were starting was at the end of peoples cigarettes which they are NOT ALLOWED TO SMOKE NEAR THE CHILDREN!

1 comment:

Nicholas Cleary said...

niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice post