Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Day two

Accident and emergnecy wasn't all that busy today but I did get to see something. Also it was nice having a quieter day because I got to know my way around the department a bit better. So far I have enjoyed A & E because I actually have been able to get exposure to paedatrics.

Today there was this little nine year old boy who came in, he fell of his grandpa's boat which was in the shed onto a sticking out piece of metal. His arm and clothes got caught on it. He ripped at 7cm whole in his arm that was about 3cm deep and he lost a lot of fat tissue and you could see his muscle. I thought I would feel bit sick from this cause it was little kid but I was surpirsingly calm and I just focused on keeping the boy happy and calm. He was brave little kid he didn't cry at all. He ended up having 5 internal stiches and 10 external. We made a deal, cause it was hurting when the doc was injecting the local anaesthic that he would squeeze my hand but I promised I wouldn't tell his grandpa or his friends so they would think he was really brave. I think he was brave even though he was squeezing my hand.

Other that little boy there was a lot of chest pain, and shortness of breath (SOB) which I am told is really usual for A&E. Other than that there was a ex-nurse who fell off a ladder even though he wasn't meant to be climbing ladders cause he had heart attack just four weeks ago.

Tomorrow it will all start again

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