Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Drug chart hell

Yesterday at Aged Care I was down and low care and I was again down there today and guess what its crap! Yesterday I wasn't even allowed to give eye drops and the residents are grumpy and I had just had enough. The nurse I was meant to be working with didn't like me. So today I was shunted off told she didn't want me around and that I was to date all the drug charts.

Their drug charts last for something like 6 months so I was writting 1 to 30 or 31 and the month on 143 different people charts. I was so pissed off, I know that I only have one more day there and I'm only there until 12 but you know what I have bloody had it.

Writting dates on charts all day is by my understand NOT nursing. Nor is it part of my job as a student to be doing those tasks. We were told that we were to work with the nurse in charge, it is not fair for her to say no I don't want you just do this and stay out of my way. Gee what a great teacher.

Tomorrow can't come to soon...stupid aged care!

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