Today, I did not wa
nt to get out of bed, but I did. To tell the truth even though the day had ups and downs I am glad that I did.

Cause I've been doubting this career choice and been talking to my boyfriend heaps about it. So I thought why not talk to one of my lectures that I have really good relationship. I pretty much told him everything, how much I wasn't enjoying the course, that I didn't feel needed at the aged care facility and I feel like I'm drowing with the amount of study. I told him that I need to feel needed, I need someone to be ringing the bell needing my help. He told me that the desire for me to be needed is innate, that they want nurses like me, who just want to help.
He also told me that there is such thing as second year blues, it even happened to him. It's where students question their course, don't know what they are doing or what they want. So he told me I just need to stick things about cause I am going to love next year because it is all acute care nursing like theatre etc.
Another thing which made me feel good was that cause he helps run the course along with another guy he would make sure that in no way would I fail cause they don't want to lose me in this course.
However the day wasn't all positives we (my boyfriend and me) had some set-backs about the film and locations. But we are slowly trying to nut things out, think of new ideas etc. Everything always works out though, and thats a promise!!
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