Today is another uni day...booooring! I have skipped a few lectures with a group of girls so we can finish this assignment on concept maps. This assignment is actually really stupid, cause a part from doing a concept map we have to write a 1000 word essay on how we constructed the map and how well we worked together as a group. I mean geezzz kind of a waste of our time.
Wednesday was a crappy day at the nursing home we were only there from 7 til 12 because we had to go and do a Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth assessment on each other. So my morning at the nursing home consisted on not one but two drug rounds. I have come to realise that these nurses I work with take waay to long on the drug rounds when they could go much quicker. I don't know how they could go quicker, but they could. I didn't even really get to have a good chat to my favourite lady today, especially when I really wanted to after Tuesday. But I hope I'll get a good chance to next week.
Stress levels have kind of risen and then fell but are on the way up again today. I have finished two assignments and handed them up today and also finished my aged care work book which was good. However I still have this huge case study and this test which is looming over my head. Despartely trying to think how I am going to do all this.

The other day I seriously thought about quitting nursing and this course, not sure about things at the moment. I am trying to think that it may just but aged care and all the assignments getting to me, but I just don't know. My boyfriend has been really supportive telling me I can get through this and its just a rough patch in the year. Hope he's right!
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