Friday was awful, so stressful. We got told when our mid-term was and its on the same day we have huge aged care case study due and group assignments on mandatory reporting. The mid-term is meant to be on first 6 weeks of pathophysiology and first four weeks of pharmacology. Which doesn't sound to bad except well we have 3 pathophysiology lectures per week and two pharmacology lectures...and well thats a lot of content to cover and prepare for...in just two weeks. I mean I am still freaking about the online test that I did...now I get told I have two weeks to learn more stuff. EEEKK!
So well I have had a freak out, mini break down and well now I have a plan...flash cards for every lecture to be done by tomorrow night, Monday at the latest. Have to my study days the week of test and must have case study and group assignment done by end of next week.

On a positive note...got starbucks for breakfast this morning...my favourite drink there venti coffee based carmel frappacinno with cream...gotta have the cream otherwise just not worth having. Also got taken along to a free comic book day. I am just kind of new to whole comic book thing thanks to my boyfriend. I thought it was like geeky thing, but I have actually enjoyed reading them.
On the note of reading...hi jonny!
I'm off to see spiderman 3 tonight even though it has gotten bad reviews, I've seen first two in the cinema so I have to see 3rd there too. Movies is my reward for afternoon of study. I am nearly half way through my pathophysiology notes and flash cards...more to be done tomorrow. But spierman awaits me...

spier man rules!
You know it! Twas good night.
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