Raining today, and well we have offically started our Aged Care work and well...it sucks. All we are doing in this place is paper work and drugs. Its not even paper work, its all done on the computers in this place. The nurses that I have been working with can only type with one finger, so everything takes forever. On the last day just to spend things up I offered to type, it took my 30minutes instead of the usual 3 hours. The drug rounds are boring and take hours cause there are so many people and they take forever to take their medications.
I usually really like old people but well by Wednesday I was sooo over them. However there are two ladies I adore, but I never get to spend much time with them because well the nurse never lets me, cause that kind of interaction is the carers jobs..which is bull really.

The second lady has demintia, she forgets things alot, but she always means well. She is very sweet and always asks heaps of questions, cause she constantly trying to remember things.
They are the only two positives of my three days there...otherwise it is so depressing. So I have become grumpy and tired cause I have to travel an hour in the morning to get to work, and then work long day. Plus try and help my boyfriend with his film, and study. I am becoming really worn out.
Uni sucks at the moment, we had to do an online test and man it was sooo hard, I could barely answer three questions before I had to use my books and notes for the rest. It has really freaked me out, cause if this is just an online test, how am I going to cope with the mid-semester. So I am deprespartly trying to think of new ways to study.

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