Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Fried Brains

Haley left the big brother house last night...I know I can't believe I watch that show, but some how I find myself addicted to it. I liked haley, but I also feel sooo sorry for Andrew he seems really sweet. I couldn't do that, go on big brother, I'd miss my man to much. How very soppy!

Anyway I'm not going to continue to talk about that cause I would just seem sad, however it is a great distraction form STUDYING! I am so very over studying. My brain has been fried and its only Wednesay, I've still got another day or so before my test on Friday. But my god I just don't want to do anymore.

I've actually got really nothing to write about cause my brain is so fried, its all jus blah blah blah wah wah wah siiiizzzzzlllleeee!


Nicholas Cleary said...

my mum use to eat sheeps brain sandwidges - no joke.

Nursey said...

I did not need to know that at this point in time...