Monday, 2 July 2007

First Day

Today was my first day here in Port Pirie, and boy was a confusing day it was. I got to the house and let myself in with Mum to find that there is only one other student down here this week, however there will be more next week. We both headed over to the hospital for my orientation and it turned out that the lady in charge of me for my time here is a friend from high school aunty. So we will have to see how that goes due to issues with this friends mother! After orientation I learnt that the operating theatre where I am meant to be spending this week is closed due to the nursing strike. So they have to find me somewhere else to go.

My new ward is now accident and emergency, and well today it wasn't all that exciting, and I am a bit nervous and don't really know what I can do in there yet. Today in emergency there weren't that many people, just a guy with broken ankle waiting for plaster and few people who came in for get cuts and blisters "fixed" when just getting a bandaid would have done the job! But oh well it kept me from becoming too bored.

I get to sleep in tomorrow as all the crazies come in emergency after 4pm so I will have to see how I go!


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