Nursing is an ever changing profession that isn't for the faint hearted. Training to become a nurse, even harder!
Now more recently, I started back at the my usual adelaide hospital, I am now in neurosurgery which has been great. I feel like I am back in a ward where it feels like they want me. I have so far in my two week there learnt heaps and actually feel part of the team.
In other more sadder news, a man that had huge impact on both mine and many others lives, especially my boyfriends family past away last monday morning. He was battling bowel cancer for the past year or so, and couple days before he pasted he got jaundice and went into liver family. This man was a at my school and was a brother, but not your usual kind of brother. He was a grumpy man yet strangly infectious and very funny man. In younger years you are afraid of him, or I was but now and when I was part of the senior school, you are just drawn to him. You are no longer afriad of him, but see him as someone from the school, a teacher of sort who you actually want to invite to 18th and 21st birthdays, see at the pub etc.
He was an amazing man, someone who will also be such a big part of my memories of high school. I thank god that I met him, got to know him better than others, and now I thank god that he's no longer in pain. I just hope st. peter has his socks pulled up and had a hair cut!
Actually there is a story involved with the maple syrup. We didn't have any and me and my boyfriend wanted pancakes. Well you just can't have pancakes with able the maple, people that have just lemon and sugar are weird!! So we drove down to the shops...just to get the syrup. We ended up leaving with bacon, kabbana, coke, ice coffee, mint chocolate milk, biscuits and I'm sure I have forgotten something....oh yeh the maple syrup. And all that wasn't cheap either! It was then decided in future if we ever have to do a complete shop for everything we take a list and stick to it. Cause well otherwise who knows what might have happened.
Apart from cooking on Saturday night I went with my boyfriend and some other mates to see Pirates 3. It was great. They all complained it had to man
y story lines and they didn't finish off any stories, they didn't sum everything up. But well I liked that there were so many stories, cause I could get lost in that world. Also cause they didn't sum everything up it means there could be another one. There are already rumours going around that there will be a forth. YAY! Johnny Deep is the best anyway, I love him as Captain Jack, hes so funny. I think I could just watch him for three hours! Word of advice, from my boyfriend cause he made us do this...stick around until after the credits even though they go for ages...its worth it.
Today I went and saw my boyfriends sister in her muscial which she has been traveling around Australia with. She plays Lois Lane in the musical Kiss Me Kate and she was amazing. Its so cool that I could say that I'm going out with her brother! She plays the best Marlin look-a-like. She had 47 family members and relatives there watching her today, I couldn't have performed to so many family members like she did...it was very cool.
Another day of aged care awaits tomorrow but I only have three more days there...the end is near!
Eight things left to do...not much at all...really. Yesterday I took rehearsals for one of the short films being produced at the moment. It was four little kids, they are very clever. It was lots of fun, just hope I was doing what the director wanted.
One piece of negative news was the my Great Aunt Kay passed away today at 12pm. These things happen, I guess I've gotten use to people passing away now since I started nursing. Plus she was 85 years old which is a great age to live to, so I guess I'm not upset really, just a little bit sad.
Tomorrow is another day of study before my big test on Friday...another thing on the production line of getting my degree I guess.